Page 8 - Gospels for Young Catholics
P. 8

Parable of the WEDDING FEAST
Matthew 22:1-14
I’ll hear this Gospel story in Mass...
The 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Liturgical Year A
Digging Deeper
Parties are events that most people don’t want to miss. Parties bring us together. God calls us to be family. God calls us
to spend quality time encouraging one another. If it takes a party to call people together, then by all means find a reason to have one. The more time we can gather around our family banquet table, the better prepared we will be to cele- brate the great party God invites us to.
I Pray
Lord, help me to recognize your voice in my life. May I always be ready to listen to you. Amen.
Now go to the main streets and invite to the feast as many people as you find. Matthew 22:9
 Come to the Lord’s Banquet
Jesus told a story about a king who gave a wedding banquet for his son. None of the invited guests came. The king sent his servants to remind the guests
that the banquet was ready, but they still refused to come. The king was so angry that he told his ser- vants to go out on the streets and invite everyone they met, good and bad alike. And they did. And the banquet hall was filled with guests.
Pflaum Publishing Group

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