Page 4 - Lessons and Activities on Prayer
P. 4
writing a book is a mysterious journey that begins with a single word. Many wonderful people walked beside me as i discovered ways to engage children in the wonder of prayer and meditative practices. i am especially grateful for the blessings received from the following:
▪ Father Mark osterhaus, a good friend of mine, who encouraged me
to write this second book. he continues to inspire me as he connects the word to ordinary, everyday life. when i was at a loss for words, he helped me  nd just the right words deep within me.
▪ rosanne co ey, who edited the book and gave wonderful suggestions for  ne-tuning the directions; i always looked forward to our conversa- tions, and she encouraged my creativity whenever i was excited about a new idea. rosanne has become a real friend!
▪ Je  Mccall, who did the layout of this book. i know all of us appreci- ate the user-friendly pages!
▪ lindsey leach, a blackburn college student and a whiz at the com- puter; she generated templates, resizing or changing them as needed, so the students can use them easily.
▪ allison bruss, a blackburn college student, who created the truth- telling and liar tongue templates.
▪ dominican sisters of spring eld, illinois, who once again supported me with their belief in this project, their encouraging words, resourc- es, and assistance in marketing!
▪ My family, who are amazed that i can “grow books from deep within me” the way they can grow corn and soybeans!
▪ My colleagues at blackburn college who “know the writing look” and quickly back out of my o ce so as not to disturb me, but later inquire as to how the book is coming along and willingly read  rst drafts with a careful eye.
▪ everyone at Twenty- ird Publications, who once again helped me feel very comfortable with the process.
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