Page 3 - Lessons and Activities on Prayer
P. 3
Introduction 5
traditional prayer
1 SIgn of the CroSS 6
2 the our father 6
3 the glory Be 14
4 the haIl Mary 18
5 guardIan angel Prayer 22
6 aPoStle'S Creed 28
7 aCt of ContrItIon 30
8 Meal Prayer 32
forms of prayer
9 InterCeSSIon 36 10 ContrItIon 40 11 BleSSIng 44 12 PraISe 44 13 thankSgIvIng 44
meditative prayer
14 IMagInatIve PrayerS 55
15 leCtIo dIvIna 59
16 art aS Prayer 63
Twenty-Third Publications Sample

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