Page 4 - Summer Solemnities - Visions
P. 4

The Father, Son, and Holy
Spirit Are One
Narrator 1: Jesus said to his disciples:
Jesus 1: I have so much more to tell you, but it is too much for you to hear now.
Jesus 2: The Spirit of truth is coming. He will guide you to the truth.
Jesus 1: The Spirit will not speak on his own; he will speak what he
     hears. He will tell you the things that are coming.
Jesus 2: The Spirit will honor and praise me. He will take my words and speak them to you.
Jesus 1: Everything that the Father has is mine. That is why I tell you that the Spirit will take what is mine and declare it to you.
    HOLY TRINITY The Christian
mystery of One God in Three Divine Persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Although Jesus revealed this truth that God is both one and three, the Holy Trinity is a mystery that our human minds cannot fully grasp.
Jesus Reveals a Great Mystery
1 Jesus has more to tell his disciples. Why does he choose not to?
2 What does Jesus tell the disciples that the Spirit will say?
3 If you were with the disciples at the time of Jesus, which of Jesus’ words would have the strongest impact on you?
   After witnessing Jesus’ death and resurrection, we might think the Apostles are ready for anything. But Jesus knows there is more, and the disciples are not ready yet.
The mystery of the Holy Trinity— who God is—is the central mystery of the Christian faith and of the Christian life. It cannot be understood with our minds alone. We need the eyes of faith. We need God.
For this mystery, “God alone can make it known to us by revealing himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (CCC, 261).”When Jesus says the Spirit “will take my words and speak them to you,” he is revealing the Holy Spirit
4 • Visions The Most Holy Trinity
as “another divine person with Jesus and the Father” (CCC, 243).
The mystery of the Holy Trinity has challenged saints and philosophers for centuries. But Jesus explains
one aspect of God that we can understand. When Jesus says, “Everything that the Father has is mine,” he shows that God is a loving Father who shares everything with his Son. If we seek to know God, we can start by meditating on the self-giving love of the Father and the Son.
1 What do you already know
about the Holy Trinity?
2 Who is someone you know who shows what Christ is like by their self- giving love?
      This week, we celebrate the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity. Turn to page 8 in your What the Church Believes and Teaches handbook to learn about the Trinity, and how you share directly in the love of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  The Most Holy Trinity John 16:12–15
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