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276 results found. Show results 271 - 276


The Sacraments

The Sacraments

A valuable resource for catechists and religion teachers—with a host of articles from the writers of


Together In Jesus Accompaniment Book (Digital Edition)

Together In Jesus Accompaniment Book (Digital Edition)

Music for Reconciliation, Confirmation, and Eucharist

This digital version of the Together in Jesus Accompaniment Book contains the guitar chord and piano/keyboard notation for all of the Together in Jesus music that can be used for Reconciliation, Confirmation, and Eucharist.


Understanding the Mass

Understanding the Mass

A Prayerful Guide to the Liturgy

Why do we kneel in church? How are the Scriptures readings like family stories? What does incense symbolize?


We Gather Together

We Gather Together

Host a meaningful First Communion retreat with activities that invite family participation—even after everyone has gone home. These engaging activities and prayers support teaching about the Mass, God’s unending love, the Eucharist as thanksgiving, and much more.


Welcoming God's Children: Baptism Connection Kit - Dvd And Cd Plus 10 Family Packets (Product/Goods)

Welcoming God's Children: Baptism Connection Kit - Dvd And Cd Plus 10 Family Packets (Product/Goods)

Welcome your youngest and newest parishioners and their families as they prepare to receive the Sacrament of Baptism. This unique kit is designed to expand current Baptism programs and to add to your family faith formation in a long-lasting and connective way.


Your Confirmation Bible Companion

Your Confirmation Bible Companion

Get confirmation candidates excited about reading the Bible with this new book that explains—in clear, relatable ways—how the Church reads and interprets Scripture.