Page 8 - First Eucharist
P. 8
First Eucharist 1 Together Jesus
I Belong to a Community
ogether in esus TJ
First Eucharist 1, page 1, 10 minutes
The children will recognize they belong to the Church.
1. Gather in a semicircle. Distribute the children’s copies of Together in Jesus, First Eucharist Preparation 1.
2. Introduce the program and the lesson. Hold up the lesson cover. Read the title aloud. Have the children look closely at the photo. Discuss what is happening in the photo. Ask:
G What is the place these people are in? Church
G Who might these people be? Children in a First Communion group.
G What special purpose has brought them together? They are followers of Jesus. They join with Jesus to offer praise and thanks to God.
We Share Faith in Jesus
Interview a person in your parish community. Ask this person to finish the statement below.
I Belong to a Community
3. Read aloud the text at lower right. Have the children read along using their own copies. Ask the question: Who do the people of our parish believe in? Jesus. Recall with the children stories about Jesus they remember from going to church. Have them write their names on the last line.
I believe in Jesus because ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Name: _______________________
We Share Faith in Jesus
Conclude that these people have been believing in Jesus for a long time and that the children are growing up in a community of believers.
children can interview a parent, a grandparent, a neighbor, or anyone a child knows from the parish community. This is a good time for children to meet someone special. If the children in your parish have prayer partners, they can interview their prayer partners. Help each child to think of someone. The children can visit these people or call them on the phone. Conclude by saying it is important to know that others believe in Jesus.
First Eucharist 1, page 1, 10 minutes
The children will recognize that members of their parish share faith in Jesus.
1. Explain to the children how important their First Eucharist is to everyone in the parish. Tell them that their parish community gathers to remember and celebrate Jesus, too. Ask them to name some of the people they know who belong to their parish community. They may name relatives, neighbors, teachers, and friends.
2. Ready the children to interview a parishioner. Direct their attention to the section on page 1 under the photo. Have someone read the title, “We Share Faith in Jesus.” Then read aloud the italicized words and explain they are to interview someone in their parish and ask them to complete the sentence, “I believe in Jesus because....” They are to write what the person says on the lines and write in the person’s name. The
3. Have the children bring their completed interviews to share during your next session together.
he people of our parish believe in Jesus.
Together we form a community of believers. Our parish is part of the Catholic Church. My parish community invites me
to make my First Eucharist with them.
Come, ________________________, to Jesus’ table.

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