Page 7 - First Eucharist
P. 7
I Belong to a Community
Chapter 5
1. The children will recognize they belong to the Church.
understanding of the sacrament. They each have a lifetime for opening themselves to Jesus’ loving gift of himself and our call to be his Body in the world—the Church.
Lesson 1
space. Invite parents to come. Share treats afterward.
2. The children will recognize that members of their parish share faith in Jesus.
8 minutes
3. The children will recognize that Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist are Sacraments of Initiation.
Opening Prayer
4. The children will appreciate their own Baptisms.
2. Have activity boxes ready for the children to use. Include in the boxes: pencils, crayons, colored markers, tape, glue, scissors.
5. The children will participate in a prayer ritual that celebrates the beginning of their preparation for First Eucharist.
3. Have available short lengths of yarn.
2. Sing “Come to Jesus’ Table” to the tune “Are You Sleeping?” Have each child take a turn saying his or her name at the last line of the song, “Here comes ___.” The song will form both a prayer and an introduction among the children.
First Eucharist is for most Catholics an unforgettable day. It is a benchmark moment in every Catholic’s journey into full membership in the Church, the community of faith. Eucharist is one of three Sacraments of Initiation into the Church.
4. The prayer ritual calls for giving the First Eucharist group a Bible. We recommend a children’s Bible, but any Catholic edition of the Bible will do. Catechists should prepare a place to open and display the Bible in the class area.
Baptism welcomes new members into the Church and bathes us in the waters that signify the life-giving power of Jesus’ Death and Resurrection to new life. Confirmation seals us with the gift of the Holy Spirit and strengthens our bond with the Church. First Eucharist brings Catholics to share for the first time the Body and Blood of Christ, the regular nourishment of the Church—the heart and summit of the Church’s life (CCC, #1407). Together in Jesus emphasizes that the child who is preparing for First Eucharist belongs to the Church, a community of believers.
We are getting ready. We are getting ready. Here comes ___. Here comes ___.
Usually, young Catholics receive First Eucharist as second graders. They have reached the age of reason and can understand that the food we share in the Eucharist is not the same as ordinary bread and wine. Their preparation for First Eucharist only begins an
8. Have the words to the gathering song on a sheet of newsprint.
1. Have a chalkboard and chalk or newsprint and markers in your classroom or meeting space.
1. Create a prayer corner in your space where your group can display the Bible and gather to pray. Gather the children in the prayer space. Explain that they will have a prayer celebration with every lesson as they prepare for First Eucharist.
5. Duplicate enough copies of the Our Father poster, page 17, for each child. Prepare eight-inch pieces of yarn for tying each Our Father prayer into a scroll for handing out at the prayer ritual.
Come to Jesus’ table. Come to Jesus’ table. Share his food. Share his love.
6. Option: Consider having available a bowl of water, a saucer of vegetable oil with a drop of perfume, and a loaf of bread, the signs of the three Sacraments of Initiation, for the First Eucharist children to touch and experience as they explore these sacraments in this lesson.
3. Pray with your group in words such as:
7. Enlist parents in taking turns preparing a healthful treat for the children. Be sure to check for food allergies.
Children, our parish community invites you to come to Jesus’ table and share the food that Jesus made special signs of his love for us. You belong to a communityofJesus’followers. Allthe people of our parish are Jesus’ followers. Jesus, please watch over these children as we prepare together for their First Eucharist.
All: Amen.
The prayer service that concludes this lesson includes a part for parents. Celebrate this prayer ritual at the end of the children’s first lesson in your class
Preparing the Prayer Ritual
Chapter 5

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