Children Celebrate! Leader's Guide Kit
The Leader’s Kit includes everything you need to get started—1 Leader’s Guide with step-by-step instructions and 5 copies of full-color Children’s Leaflets and access to weekly Gospel reflection videos from Miss Heidi.
Confirmation Director's Manual
All-Purpose Hands-On Handbook
Here's a manual packed with the creative ideas and practical suggestions you’ve been looking for to energize and motivate candidates, and to involve parents and sponsors.
Updated to reflect the revised Order of Confirmation.
First Reconciliation Teaching Guide
Step-by-Step for Each Lesson
This guide includes tips for getting organized plus step-by-step plans for each lesson. Annotated illustrations of the children's handouts guarantee teaching directions will be easy to follow and lessons will be successful. Reproducible prayer rituals for each lesson reinforce the power of prayer in all that we do.
Good News Activity Book
New activity book for Good News includes 32 reproducible activities, three Early Start and three Late Close lessons. Sample topics include: The Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes, the Works of Mercy, the Seven Sacraments, the Mass, the Liturgical Year, and Holy Days of Obligation.
Good News Activity Book (Spanish)
New activity book for Good News includes 32 reproducible activities, three Early Start and three Late Close lessons. Sample topics include: The Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes, the Works of Mercy, the Seven Sacraments, the Mass, the Liturgical Year, and Holy Days of Obligation.
Good News Student Folder
Available for the Good News level, these handy pocket folders provide a convenient way for students, catechists and teachers to organize their lessons and activities. The back of each cover features an age-appropriate activity that can be referred to during the year.
My Family Activity and Memory Book — Reconciliation — Together in Jesus
The My Family Activity and Memory Book for families and their children preparing for first sacraments extends the lessons of the Together in Jesus programs even further.
Totally Lent! (Teens) - 2025
We all need discipline during the forty days of Lent. Discipline comes from a great desire to do our very best.
Absolutely Advent! (Primary) - 2025
In the primary edition, Levi the Lamb leads children through Advent with his adventures in verse.
An Attitude of the Heart
Practical Tips and Service Ideas for Teens on Caring for Creation
When Pope Francis wrote Laudato Si’, his encyclical On Care for Our Common Home, it was a call to more than just a change in our behaviors.
Año de Nuestro Señor 2025 - Calendario litúrgico para las familias (Español)
La versión para la familia (11” x 16”), que es un vínculo ideal entre el aula de catecismo y el hogar, ofrece una catequesis litúrgica atractiva y dirigida a las familias durante todo el año de la Iglesia.
Children Celebrate! Summer 2025 Digital Edition
Here’s a year-round program can make Liturgy of the Word with Children an age-appropriate faith-building worship experience for the children in your parish.
First Reconciliation Spanish Teaching Guide
Step-by-Step for Each Lesson
This guide includes tips for getting organized plus step-by-step plans for each lesson. Annotated illustrations of the children's handouts guarantee teaching directions will be easy to follow and lessons will be successful. Reproducible prayer rituals for each lesson reinforce the power of prayer in all that we do.
Invitados por Cristo - Preparación para la Primera Reconciliación y la Primera Eucaristía (Guía Catequética) Español
A seven-step sacramental preparation program leading older children on a journey to encountering Christ in the Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist.
Mi libro de actividades y recuerdos para la familia — Reconciliación
The My Family Activity and Memory Book for families and their children preparing for first sacraments extends the lessons of the Together in Jesus programs even further.
Venture Activity Book
New activity book for Venture includes 32 reproducible activities, three Early Start and three Late Close lessons. Sample topics include: The Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes, the Works of Mercy, the Seven Sacraments, the Mass, the Liturgical Year, and Holy Days of Obligation.