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Let’s Sing! Let’s Pray!

Let’s Sing! Let’s Pray!

Teaching Catholic Prayer to Children Through Song.

This CD includes traditional prayers set to music. It works especially well with young children learning prayers. Includes: Lord’s Prayer, Hail Mary, Jesus Prayer, and Instrumental music tracks for all 16 songs.

Songs are in three formats: Traditional--A formal version of the prayer with organ or unaccompanied voice. Echo--A call and response version of the prayer. Contemporary--A musically appropriate & respectful version of the prayer presented in a modern popular style.

Makes a great gift!

Here are the song lyrics for Let’s Sing, Let’s Pray! Teaching Catholic Prayer to Children Through Song.

To purchase downloads of the music, click here.

 Let’s Sing! Let’s Pray!  
 1. Sign of the Cross
 2. The Lord’s Prayer—Traditional
 3. The Lord’s Prayer—Contemporary
 4. The Lord’s Prayer—Echo
 5. Hail Mary—Traditional
 6. Hail Mary—Contemporary
 7. Hail Mary—Echo
 8. Glory Be
 9. Prayer to the Holy Spirit
 10. Act of Contrition
 11. Jesus Prayer
 12. Morning Prayer
 13. Grace Before Meals
 14. Grace Before Meals—Echo
 15. Act of Love
 16. Eternal Rest
 17–31. Instrumental music tracks


Code: HTP-8337
Pricing: $14.95