Page 4 - Summer Solemnities - Venture
P. 4

Jesus’ Disciples Are His Witnesses
   Narrator: Jesus talked with his disciples and reminded them of all that had happened.
Jesus 1: The Scriptures tell us that the Messiah would suffer and rise from the dead on the third day. This happened so that your sins would be forgiven in his name.
Jesus 2: You will preach about God’s forgiveness to every nation, starting here in Jerusalem.
Jesus 3: You were there, and you saw all of these things.
Jesus 4: My Father promises to send his Holy Spirit. Stay here in Jerusalem until you receive this power.
Narrator: Jesus led the disciples to Bethany. He raised his hands and blessed them. As he blessed them, Jesus left them and was taken up to Heaven. The disciples honored Jesus. They returned to Jerusalem with great joy, and they praised God in the Temple.
Note: Most U.S. parishes celebrate the Ascension of the Lord on Ascension Sunday. Catholics who live in certain dioceses celebrate three days before on Ascension Thursday and observe the 7th Sunday of Easter instead. The Gospel Reading for the 7th Sunday of Easter is John 17:11b–19.
         1 What does Jesus say the disciples will do?
2 How will they be able to do this?
3 How did the disciples honor and praise God? How do you honor and praise God?
         FAITH WORD
ASCENSION The entry of Jesus into Heaven after his Resurrection to take his place at his Father’s right hand.
 Connecting GOSPEL and DOCTRINE
Imagine what it is like for the Apostles when the Risen Jesus visits them. Jesus, their beloved friend and leader, has risen from the dead, and here he is among them. He eats with them, talks with them, and shares advice with them. And now, he is leaving, going up to Heaven! Why would Jesus leave them—and us—like this?
At the Ascension, when Jesus is taken up to Heaven, the
4 • Venture Ascension of the Lord
The Ascension Gives Us Hope
 Apostles are witnesses of Jesus’ heavenly glory. Jesus is in Heaven, but he is not gone from us. He sends the Holy Spirit to us. Filled with the Holy Spirit, the Apostles spend the rest of their lives spreading the Good News: that because of Jesus, all those who follow him can have hope that we will join Jesus and his Father in the joy of Heaven forever. (CCC, 665–667).
1 Being sent out
into the world to preach the Good News is a big job. How do you think Jesus’ disciples felt about it?
2 Where do you see hope in the world?
                  Turn to page 11 in your What the Church Believes and Teaches to read about Jesus’ mission and how we celebrate and share in it.
  The Ascension of the Lord Luke 24:46–53
Pflaum Publishing Group
What the Church Believes and Teaches
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