Page 10 - Children Celebrate - Summer 2003
P. 10

 June 4, 2023 • Most Holy Trinity
both answers are true: you are holding up one leaf, yet also three.
In a similar way, it is hard to say who God
is. God is one, yet also three. Then show the children the black-and-white diagram of the three interlocked circles, and say, “This is as close as we can get to showing what the Holy Trinity is like.” Then announce that you are going to add some color to the picture:
Ô Color the top circle yellow to represent the Father. Yellow is the color of sunshine and it was God the Father who said, “Let there be light.”
Ô Color the bottom left circle red to represent the Son. Jesus shed his Blood to prove God’s love for his people.
Ô Color the bottom right circle blue to represent the Holy Spirit. Wind was one sign of the Holy Spirit’s presence at the first Pentecost, and artists often use blue to show wind and clouds.
Note that while each circle is distinct, each also is a part of the other two circles:
Ô Point to the center area where all three circles share their colors and say, “All Three Persons are God.”
Ô Point to parts of the yellow circle overlapping with the red and blue while saying, “The Father is in the Son—and in the Holy Spirit.”
Ô Repeat the above step with the red and blue circles.
Conclude by saying, “Whenever one Person of the Trinity acts, all take part in the action.” So we can truly say:
Ô When the Father created the world, the Son and the Spirit were part of the action.
Ô When the Son redeemed the world, the Father and the Spirit were there, too.”
Ô When the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles on Pentecost, the Father and the Son were there, too.
Profession of Faith
Leader: Please stand for the Profession of Faith. Respond to each question with the words, “I do.”
Do you believe in God the Father, creator of Heaven and earth?
Children: I do.
Leader: Do you believe in God the Son, redeemer of the world?
Children: I do.
Leader: Do you believe in God the Holy Spirit, sanctifier of the world?
Children: I do.
Prayer of the Faithful
Leader: As a people created, redeemed, and sanctified by our God, let us go to him in prayer with all our needs. Our response to each petition will be, “Hear us, O Lord.”
That Jesus Christ will bless and be kind to all the leaders of the Church, we pray.
Children: Hear us, O Lord.
Leader: That the Holy Spirit will join together the hearts of all the people of the Church, we pray. Children: Hear us, O Lord.
Leader: That God the Father will bless with his love all the people of the world, we pray. Children: Hear us, O Lord.
Leader: Invite the children to pray their own petitions. Then pray:
God our Father, thank you for sending Jesus into the world to love us and save us. Thank you for sending the Holy Spirit to make us holy and to lead us to life everlasting. May you be praised, Holy Trinity, one God, forever and ever! Children: Amen.
Return to Assembly
The Liturgy of the Word ends with the Prayer of the Faithful. Prepare the children to return to the assembly in a respectful manner. If you haven’t already done so, distribute the leaflets. Remind the children to take the leaflets home and share them with their families. Encourage them to watch this week’s Gospel Reflection video and complete the Family Corner activities as a family.
Pflaum Publishing Group

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