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Advent and Lent Programs

NEW! Mix and Match Absolutely Advent! and Totally Lent! for Best Pricing.

Jesus' Family Tree Activity Sheet

Jesus' Family Tree Activity Sheet

Watch your tree grow all season long!


Step up Close to Jesus

Step up Close to Jesus

This Way of the Cross, written by Sister Mary TereseDonze ASC, is designed for use by pre-teens.

Advent Placemat

Advent Placemat
For mealtimes at home or at church during Advent or at Christmas, this placemat highlights that we are on the way to Bethlehem to see Jesus. A prayer, a litany and a hymn are included, along with table topics for discussion around the table. Entertaining activities for children on the back make them perfect for all age groups.

Advent Sticker Roll

Advent Sticker Roll
Stick on some joyous Christmas spirit!

Advent Table Tent

Advent Table Tent
Provide a prayerful Advent Wreath centerpiece for each member of your congregation with this beautiful, inexpensive table tent!

Christmas Sticker Roll

Christmas Sticker Roll
Spread some Christmas spirit that sticks!

Do You See The Savior? Christmas Card Activity Sheet

Do You See The Savior? Christmas Card Activity Sheet

Make a nativity scene to keep and one to share!


How Do They Celebrate Christmas?

How Do They Celebrate Christmas?

Introduce the children in your community to the Christmas customs and traditions celebrated by children all over the world as we all prepare for Jesus’ birthday!


La Fe Viva Adviento

La Fe Viva Adviento
Pray with inspirational devotions, beautifully written for every day of Advent.

Lenten Tri-Fold Window Calendar

Lenten Tri-Fold Window Calendar
Engage children and families each day of Lent with this unique, interactive calendar.

Prayer Series Sticker Roll

Prayer Series Sticker Roll

Highlight prayer with a special sticker!


The Way To Bethlehem

The Way To Bethlehem

Engage and inspire all age groups with this charming devotional booklet designed especially for families. Think, pray, talk about and anticipate the birth of our Savior together.


Wait & See For Advent

Wait & See For Advent

Open your eyes to the active waiting of the Advent season, a waiting that is focused first and foremost on an arrival in the manger, but even more so on Christ’s glorious return.


What Do I Wonder About Christmas? - Tear-Off Trivia Card Pack

What Do I Wonder About Christmas? - Tear-Off Trivia Card Pack

Trivia Cards? Devotions? Fun either way!


What Do I Wonder About The Mass & Sacraments? - Tear-Off Trivia Card Pack

What Do I Wonder About The Mass & Sacraments? - Tear-Off Trivia Card Pack

Trivia Cards? Devotions? Fun either way!


What Do I Wonder About The Saints? - Tear-Off Trivia Card Pack

What Do I Wonder About The Saints? - Tear-Off Trivia Card Pack

Trivia Cards? Devotions? Fun either way!


What Do I Wonder At Lent? - Tear-Off Trivia Card Pack

What Do I Wonder At Lent? - Tear-Off Trivia Card Pack

Teach and reinforce Lenten lessons these addictively entertaining trivia cards—in the classroom or at home!


What Do I Wonder This Advent?

What Do I Wonder This Advent?
You will wow and wonder at this fun and family-friendly way to journey through the days of December on the way to Christmas.