Love Thy Neighbor - Adult Prayer Card
This pocket-sized prayer card features an image of the Good Samaritan and encouraging words from Luke 10:27 on the front. A "Prayer for My Neighbor" is printed on the back, a handy reminder that we are all family, children of our heavenly Father, who asks us to love and care for one another.
What Do I Wonder About The Bible? - Tear-Off Trivia Card Pack
Trivia Cards? Devotions? Fun either way!
Called to Change the World
Pope Francis inspires young people to go out and change the world. This brief, empowering booklet can help them take that important first step by following Mary’s example of saying “yes” to God’s plan.
Fun Faith Activities for Summer
Puzzles, games, and activities for ages 6-11 teach about general prayers of praise, thanksgiving , and sorrow for sins, plus specific devotions like pilgrimages and novenas.
How to Talk to Children About Death
Carole Eipers offers a compassionate and honest guide to talking with children about death, loss, and grief.
How to Talk to Children About Divorce
How to Talk to Children about God
Allie Johnston offers great suggestions for talking to children about God—God’s goodness, God as Creator, how we understand the Blessed Trinity, God the storyteller, God the listener, the God who forgives, and the Good Shepherd.
How to Talk to Children about Making Good Choices
How to Talk to Children About the Holy Spirit
How to Talk to Children about the Mass
Tom Quinlan gives solid advice for how to make the Mass more accessible and relevant to even the youngest child.
Planning for RCIA: Tips and Advice for a Successful Program
Planning for Restored Order: Reconciliation and Eucharist for Older Children
Planning for the Catechumenate for Children: Tips and Advice for a Successful Program
These booklets can help coordinators, DREs, and parish staff stay organized and on top of their many responsibilities, from communicating with parents and team members to managing catechetical sessions, to planning the big day—the liturgical celebration itself.
Self Care for Catechists
20 Practices to Enhance Your Well-Being
Every catechist knows that working in the church is not a 9-to-5 job.
2024-2025 Catechist Handbook and Planning Guide
The 2024-2025 Catechist Handbook and Planning Guide is an indispensable resource for catechists and religion teachers, providing them with an easy-to-use organizational tool and a comprehensive reference guide.
Love Thy Neighbor - Children Prayer Card
This colorful prayer card helps children to remember that we should pray for a care for all people, everywhere. We are more than neighbors; we are all God's Children.