Books for Young Catholics

Books for Children

Living Faith Kids: Praying the Mass (Booklet)

Living Faith Kids: Praying the Mass (Booklet)

Young children (4-8) will have fun as they learn the basic parts of the Mass and the people’s responses with this interactive sticker booklet. Following along with a parent or teacher, children apply colorful stickers as they learn about each of the prayers and elements of the Mass. When completed, the booklet will serve children well as a participation aid, one they have made themselves! Published with the approval of the Committee on Divine Worship, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.


Living Faith Kids: Praying the Rosary (Booklet)

Living Faith Kids: Praying the Rosary (Booklet)

The Rosary is one of the most enduring forms of Catholic prayer because it is a simple yet profound way of immersing oneself in the central mysteries of Christ’s life and ministry. Children (4-12) can learn the basics of this traditional prayer form and have fun doing it with this interactive sticker booklet. With the help of a parent, teacher or older sibling, the child learns the prayers and mysteries of the Rosary, marking each with a colorful sticker. When completed, the booklet serves as a useful reminder of a devotion that will last a lifetime.


Living Faith Kids: Praying the Stations of the Cross (Booklet)

Living Faith Kids: Praying the Stations of the Cross (Booklet)

The Stations of the Cross is so powerful a devotion because we put ourselves in the steps of Jesus as he makes his way to Calvary for our sake. Children (4-12) learn about this traditional devotion with this interactive sticker booklet. Helped by a parent, teacher or older sibling, a child learns to pray with Jesus as he makes his saving journey to the cross.


Living Faith Kids: Receive the Lord (Booklet)

Living Faith Kids: Receive the Lord (Booklet)

This new Living Faith Kids sticker book is a great companion piece to the popular First Communion banner explaining the symbols surrounding First Communion and those typically seen or placed on the banners.


Living Faith Kids: We Love God's Creation (Booklet)

Living Faith Kids: We Love God's Creation (Booklet)

Our brand-new sticker book captures the awe and joy of the Creation story as found in Genesis 1.


Living Faith Kids: What I See In Church (Booklet)

Living Faith Kids: What I See In Church (Booklet)

Young children (4-8) will have fun as they learn to identify the names and uses of the objects typically found in a Catholic Church. With this interactive sticker booklet and the help of a parent or teacher, children apply colorful stickers as they learn how the things we see in church help us worship God together. When completed, the booklet will serve children well as a fun reminder that any Catholic church or chapel throughout the world is a place they can feel at home in faith.


Living Faith Kids: What We Do In Advent (Booklet)

Living Faith Kids: What We Do In Advent (Booklet)

Young children (4-8) understand that Advent is our time of getting ready for Jesus’ birth. Shopping, decorating, baking and sending cards are good ways to prepare for the celebration. But when we remember that Jesus comes to save the whole world, and that he loves us more than we can imagine, we know that we need to get ready in a deeper way. This interactive sticker booklet presents Catholic practices of Advent, and offers ideas and suggestions to get ready for the great big, joyful celebration of Jesus’ birth. 


Living Faith Kids: What We Do In Lent (Booklet)

Living Faith Kids: What We Do In Lent (Booklet)

Young children (4-8) readily understand that Lent is a time to get ready for Easter. But they may not understand why we start out with ashes on our foreheads, don’t eat meat on Fridays in Lent or give up things like candy for 40 days. This interactive sticker book presents the central Catholic practices of Lent and, most importantly, explains why we do what we do—to draw closer to God. With the help of a parent or teacher, children apply colorful stickers as they learn about this sacred season of the Church Year.


Recemos el Rosario - Sticker Booklet (Spanish)

Recemos el Rosario - Sticker Booklet (Spanish)

The Rosary is one of the most enduring forms of Catholic prayer because it is a simple yet profound way of immersing oneself in the central mysteries of Christ's life and ministry. Children (4-12) can learn the basics of this traditional prayer form and have fun doing it with this interactive sticker booklet.


Recemos en el Via Crucis - Sticker Booklet (Spanish)

Recemos en el Via Crucis - Sticker Booklet (Spanish)

The Stations of the Cross is so powerful a devotion because we put ourselves in the steps of Jesus as he makes his way to Calvary for our sake. Children (4-12) learn about this traditional devotion with this interactive sticker booklet.