Lessons, Prayers and Activities on the Teachings of Jesus
Enriching Faith Series
An engaging activity book helps teach young children about Jesus’ teachings on loving God and neighbor. The activities, reproducibles and prayers cover everything from the Sermon on the Mount and the Beatitudes to the Golden Rule and the Our Father.
*Reproducible/activity books are not returnable.
The Bible is a Library
Good Virtues Sticker Sheets
How to Talk to Children About the Holy Spirit
Fun Faith Activities for Summer
Puzzles, games, and activities for ages 6-11 teach about general prayers of praise, thanksgiving , and sorrow for sins, plus specific devotions like pilgrimages and novenas.
What Do I Wonder About The Bible? - Tear-Off Trivia Card Pack
Trivia Cards? Devotions? Fun either way!
The New Directory for Catechesis
Catechetical expert, Deacon Matthew Halbach presents a user-friendly overview of the Catholic Church’s new Directory for Catechesis with this easy-to-read guide that makes the Directory accessible, relevant and meaningful to those involved in catechetical ministry.
How to Talk to Children about God
Allie Johnston offers great suggestions for talking to children about God—God’s goodness, God as Creator, how we understand the Blessed Trinity, God the storyteller, God the listener, the God who forgives, and the Good Shepherd.
Planning for Restored Order: Reconciliation and Eucharist for Older Children
Planning for the Catechumenate for Children: Tips and Advice for a Successful Program
These booklets can help coordinators, DREs, and parish staff stay organized and on top of their many responsibilities, from communicating with parents and team members to managing catechetical sessions, to planning the big day—the liturgical celebration itself.
Weekday Liturgies for Children
Enriching Faith Series
Perfect for catechist, religion teachers, DRE’s and parents who want to enrich their family participation in the liturgy.
*Reproducible/activity books are not returnable.
Teaching Kids to Respect Others
The epidemic of bullying and disrespecting others fills the news each day. In this excellent and important book, Kevin Dowd offers catechists and parents practical and prayerful ways to help our children learn about and deal with issues of respect, bullying, and prejudice.
How to Talk to Children about Making Good Choices
How to Talk to Children About Death
Carole Eipers offers a compassionate and honest guide to talking with children about death, loss, and grief.
Evangelizing the Parking Lot Parent
Año de Nuestro Señor 2025 - Calendario litúrgico para las familias (Español)
La versión para la familia (11” x 16”), que es un vínculo ideal entre el aula de catecismo y el hogar, ofrece una catequesis litúrgica atractiva y dirigida a las familias durante todo el año de la Iglesia.