Gifted by God - A Confirmation Retreat Kit DVD
This DVD contains all the materials you need to run an optional full- or half-day retreat at the end of your program. It is an ideal companion to any sacramental preparation program, whether in the parish or school.
Weekday Liturgies for Children
Enriching Faith Series
Perfect for catechist, religion teachers, DRE’s and parents who want to enrich their family participation in the liturgy.
*Reproducible/activity books are not returnable.
Año de Nuestro Señor 2025 - Calendario litúrgico para las familias (Español)
La versión para la familia (11” x 16”), que es un vínculo ideal entre el aula de catecismo y el hogar, ofrece una catequesis litúrgica atractiva y dirigida a las familias durante todo el año de la Iglesia.
The Year of Our Lord 2025 - A Liturgical Calendar for Families (English)
This family version (11" x 16"), an ideal link between the catechetical classroom and the home, provides engaging and family-friendly liturgical catechesis throughout the whole Church year.
Laminated - The Year of Our Lord 2025 - Classroom Liturgical Calendar (Bilingual)
This liturgical classroom calendar (16" x 22") is in English on one side and Spanish on the other and comes with a complete guide
Learning Centers: Advent and Lent
A delightful and information way for children and their families to learn about Advent and Lent, the two of the Church’s most celebrated and significant liturgical seasons.
*Reproducible/activity books are not returnable.
Learning Centers: Confirmation
Topics covered here include the sacraments of initiation , the gifts and fruits of the Spirit, The spiritual and corporal works of mercy, Catholic social teaching and Church laws and moral choices.
*Reproducible/activity books are not returnable.
Learning Centers: First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, and the Whole Community
Learning Centers help coach parents to share faith with their children in a non-intimidating, education, and enjoyable way. A way to spent meaningful time with parish children while joining in the process of learning about and living faith.
*Reproducible/activity books are not returnable.
The Complete Guide to Becoming a Creative Catechist
SALE - 2024-2025 Catechetical Pack
Prepare for a fruitful catechetical year with the 2024-2025 Catechetical Pack. This specially curated collection includes the Catechist Handbook and Planning Guide, along with the Liturgical Classroom Calendar.
Lessons, Prayers and Activities on Mary
Enriching Faith Series
Whether you’re a teacher, catechist, Sunday school teacher, parent, or grandparent, you’ll find months of material to help you nurture a deep and abiding love for Mary, and help children strive to imitate her holy and blessed life.
*Reproducible/activity books are not returnable.
Lessons, Prayers and Activities on the Teachings of Jesus
Enriching Faith Series
An engaging activity book helps teach young children about Jesus’ teachings on loving God and neighbor. The activities, reproducibles and prayers cover everything from the Sermon on the Mount and the Beatitudes to the Golden Rule and the Our Father.
*Reproducible/activity books are not returnable.
The New Directory for Catechesis
Catechetical expert, Deacon Matthew Halbach presents a user-friendly overview of the Catholic Church’s new Directory for Catechesis with this easy-to-read guide that makes the Directory accessible, relevant and meaningful to those involved in catechetical ministry.
The Year of Our Lord 2025 - Classroom Liturgical Calendar (Bilingual)
This liturgical classroom calendar (16" x 22") is in English on one side and Spanish on the other and comes with a complete guide.
Love My Neighbor Calendar
God loves us! And God's love is something we can share! This 30-day calendar can help us become more aware of others' needs and grow in loving service to other people.
Teaching Kids to Respect Others
The epidemic of bullying and disrespecting others fills the news each day. In this excellent and important book, Kevin Dowd offers catechists and parents practical and prayerful ways to help our children learn about and deal with issues of respect, bullying, and prejudice.