Senior High Candidate Edition
Receiving the Gift of the Spirit
Each lesson helps catechists leaad candidates to strengthen their relationship with Jesus as The Way, The Truth, and The Life. Photos help them visualize meaning, the writing is clear and concise, and activities are both thought-provoking and involving. There is a prayer service in each unit, the relationship among the sacraments is reviewed, and the call to service is presented fully.
Gifted with the Spirit Senior High Candidate Combo Pack
Candidate Lessons are available in a Combo pack with the new Confirmed in the Joy of the Spirit Confirmation journal, inspired by saintly heroes. With questions to promote reflection and journaling, each story also invites candidates to discover ways they can act on the gifts of the Holy Spirit they will receive at confirmation.
Senior High Catechist Edition
Guide for Receiving the Gift
The spiral-bound catechist edition introduces each unit with the objective and key ideas to be covered. Lesson plans are presented in eight to 10 steps with instructions on how to select steps to build 60-minute or 90-minute sessions.
Confirmed in the Joy of the Spirit Journal
Here are nineteen saints and holy people whose stories will capture the imagination of confirmation candidates. People like Henri Nouwen, Sr. Thea Bowman, St. Thomas More, St. Teresa of Calcutta, Cesar Chavez, Pope Francis, Mary, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, and many more.
Confirmation Director's Manual
All-Purpose Hands-On Handbook
Here's a manual packed with the creative ideas and practical suggestions you’ve been looking for to energize and motivate candidates, and to involve parents and sponsors.
Updated to reflect the revised Order of Confirmation.
40 Conversations with God
Engage confirmation candidates in deeper prayer this Lent with these forty conversations and prayer starters.
Gifted by God - A Confirmation Retreat Kit DVD
This DVD contains all the materials you need to run an optional full- or half-day retreat at the end of your program. It is an ideal companion to any sacramental preparation program, whether in the parish or school.
Planning for Confirmation Tips and Advice for a Successful Program
Spirit, Show Me the Way
Confirmation Prayers Based on the Fruits of the Holy Spirit
This beautiful book of prayers is tuned to the many emotions, needs, anxieties, experiences, and challenges that teens face as they navigate their complex, rapidly changing world.
Your Confirmation Bible Companion
Get confirmation candidates excited about reading the Bible with this new book that explains—in clear, relatable ways—how the Church reads and interprets Scripture.
Who Am I?
What it means to be made in the Image of God
This booklet serves as a powerful tool for deepening faith, fostering community, and living out Catholic teachings authentically in today’s world. Perfect for pre-teens and teens seeking deeper understanding.
Confirmation Conversations
What Parents and Teens Need to Know
Help parents understand the significance of confirmation preparation—both for their children and themselves.
An Attitude of the Heart
Practical Tips and Service Ideas for Teens on Caring for Creation
When Pope Francis wrote Laudato Si’, his encyclical On Care for Our Common Home, it was a call to more than just a change in our behaviors.
Your Journey of Faith
Journal for the Sacrament of Confirmation
Here is a beautiful gift to the recently confirmed that will allow them to continue to celebrate their new life in the Church.
My Weekly Mass Journal
Preparing for Confirmation
Every week God gives you an incredible gift. Something you can see, touch, hear, and taste. It's the Mass, and you are especially invited.
Have Faith
Sustaining the Spirit for Confirmation and Beyond - A Candidate and Sponsor Resource
This bestselling resource is a unique approach to helping candidates prepare for the sacrament of confirmation.
Celebrating Your Child's Confirmation
Your child is growing up, dealing with realities like cell phones, social media, club sports, and increasing pressures to succeed.