Family Faith Conversations for Living Eucharist and Reconciliation
Conversation - especially within the family - is one of the best gifts we can give our children (and ourselves).
My First Communion Activity Book
My First Communion Activity Book reinforces catechetical teaching with clear explanations of various parts of the Mass and their meanings. Scripture memory versus and suitable prayers for First Communion, and Follow-up activities to engage families.
My First Little Eucharistic Adoration Booklet
Planning for Eucharist: Tips and Advice for a Successful Program
At Home in the Heart of God
Family, Jesus, and the Eucharist
In this practical and inspiring booklet, Tom Quinlan invites parents to consider how the love they have for their children reflects the love God has for each of us.
En casa en el corazón de Dios
La Familia, Jesús y la Eucaristía
En este libro práctico e inspirador, Tom Quinlan invita a los participantes a reflexionar sobre cómo el amor que sienten por sus hijos refleja el amor que Dios siente por cada uno de nosotros.
First Eucharist Bookmarks
A year-round reminder of their reception of the sacraments, these colorful bookmarks are a great gift for those celebrating First Eucharist.
Celebrating Eucharist
A Mass Book for Children
This colorful booklet is the perfect resource for helping children participate more fully at Sunday Mass.
We Gather Together
Host a meaningful First Communion retreat with activities that invite family participation—even after everyone has gone home. These engaging activities and prayers support teaching about the Mass, God’s unending love, the Eucharist as thanksgiving, and much more.
Individual First Communion Banners
Each kit includes a hemmed 12" x 16" felt banner, four colors of adhesive-backed felt, instructions, and patterns for letters and symbols.
Mi libro de actividades y recuerdos para la familia — Eucaristia
The My Family Activity and Memory Book for families and their children preparing for first sacraments extends the lessons of the Together in Jesus programs even further.
My Family Activity and Memory Book — Eucharist — Together in Jesus
The My Family Activity and Memory Book for families and their children preparing for first sacraments extends the lessons of the Together in Jesus programs even further.
The Sacrament of Eucharist: Celebrating the Gift of Jesus!
For more than 2000 years, Christians have come together to relive the Lord’s holy meal. They thank God and feed on his Word and his Body and Blood in the Eucharist.
First Eucharist Student (Bilingual)
Together in Jesus Program
The billingual edition includes all of the components of the English edition, plus six student lessons, "Questions Parents Ask" and a Family Focus poster in both English and Spanish.
First Eucharist Student (English)
Together in Jesus Program
Lessons explore the sacraments of initiation, the liturgical seasons, and the biblical stories of Zacchaeus, the loaves and the fish, and the Last Supper -- drawing children into fuller and more active participation in the life of the Church.
First Eucharist Family Pack
Each pack includes student lessons and one Family Activity and Memory Book
Primera Eucaristía Family Pack
Each pack includes student lessons and one Family Activity and Memory Book
First Eucharist Spanish Teaching Guide
Step-by-Step for Each Lesson
This guide includes tips for getting organized plus step-by-step plans for each lesson. Annotated illustrations of the children's handouts guarantee teaching directions will be easy to follow and lessons will be successful. Reproducible prayer rituals for each lesson reinforce the power of prayer in all that we do.