Page 4 - 2019-2020 Handbook and Planning Guide
P. 4

 CCreating a Lesson Plan
atechists ought to be conscientious and intentional regarding lesson planning. Lesson plans are important tools and critical for our success. Lesson planning organizes our efforts, respects time constraints,
and maximizes students’ learning and growth in faith. Yet the heart of our lessons ought to be grounded in our own prayerful preparation and how we will share Christ with our students. Therefore, the lesson plan contains both spiritual goals as well as learning goals. (See template on the opposite page. Photocopy it or download it at
students don’t understand how they are connected. The con- nection often is a brief, one- sentence statement that helps students make associations be- tween the two.
CONTENT: This is the body of the lesson in which new informa- tion is presented or previously presented material is reviewed — or both. Good content is strengthened with creative ex- amples, open-ended questions, Scripture references, and details that engage students.
ACTIVITY: Depending on stu- dents’ ages, this may be a discus- sion, game, worksheet, skit, arts- and-crafts project, reflection, or any experience that reviews and reinforces the content.
CLOSURE: How will you wrap up
the lesson in a memorable way?
FEEDBACK: This is any exercise that helps you determine how well learners have grasped the new information presented.
SENDING FORTH: This prayer, song, or celebrative moment sends students forth with joy, ready to live what they learned and experienced in class. Fi- nally, suggest how students can put their faith into practice this week in prayer or action. Make the faith-life connection real!
Be sure to write down all your reference notes, and supply needs for each aspect of the les- son plan. Arrive to class early to organize your notes and ref- erence texts and to make sure all materials needed to present the lesson are available and/or operational. Double-check that any students’ needed supplies are on hand.
How will you witness to the faith in this lesson?
SPIRITUAL GOALS: What makes catechesis different from other forms of learning is that “the ob- ject of catechesis is communion with Jesus Christ” (National Directory for Catechesis, 19B.) It promotes an encounter with Christ through our beliefs, the sacraments, the moral life, and the life of prayer. “At the heart of catechesis we find, in essence, a Person, the Person of Jesus of Nazareth,” (St. John Paul II, Catechesi Tradendae, 5; also NDC, 19B.)
Try preparing with these questions:
■■How might I foster an en- counter with Christ for my students?
■■How will I/we pray?
■■What is the biblical basis for
this lesson?
■■Is there a connection to the liturgical year or Sunday Mass?
LEARNING GOALS: This is what we want students to know, demonstrate, and/or better un- derstand at the end of a lesson. Objectives usually are measur- able in some way, and so the learning objective must be clear
and specific — and kept in mind while building the remainder of the lesson plan.
RELEVANCE: This makes the faith-and-life connection, mak- ing the lesson meaningful. What students know, demonstrate, and/or better understand at the end of a lesson must relate to their daily lives and the way they live and celebrate their Catholic faith.
Keys to relevance:
1: Understand the developmen- tal stage of the students in the class or group.
2: Uncover the why of the lesson that answers, “So, what?”
3: Assess whether, ultimate- ly, this lesson solves a problem that the students might have or offers a gift for students’ lives.
PRESENTATION: How will you im- plement the lesson’s objectives?
INTRODUCTION: This might be a prayer, drama, piece of music, story, or activity that captures students’ attention in the first minutes of class.
CONNECTION: This is the bridge that connects the introduc- tion with the rest of the les- son. A great introduction and great content are weakened if
 4 CATECHIST 2019-2020 Handbook & Planning Guide

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