Page 6 - LC First REC, First EUC and First CONF
P. 6
• Make certain that each center has all the supplies needed, and enough of each supply.
• For each center, put a marker on the page where the families can find the Bible passage for that center.
The learning centers in this book have been successfully used in several parishes with very pos- itive feedback from both children and families. We hope you will also find them valuable and well worth the time it takes to organize and set them up.
These learning center activities can be scheduled in two ways. All participants can come at the same time, for example from 4:00 to 6:00 PM on two different evenings. Or families can come dur- ing a span of time at their own convenience, for example on a Saturday afternoon between 1:00 and 5:00 PM. (Encourage families to allow at least three to four hours to thoughtfully visit all the centers and complete the activities.) In the Appendix you will find Gathering Prayers that you can use with both options.
Special thanks to Carol Mercord, Religious Education Director at St. Joseph Parish in Prescott, Wisconsin, for her support and helpful advice as she used these learning centers, and to Barbara Havel for her endless patience in helping me prepare this manuscript.
2 Learning Centers for Whole Community Catechesis
Twenty-Third Publications Sample

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