Page 7 - First Reconciliation
P. 7
I Belong to a Loving Community
actions. The dilemma the three friends face in this issue is how to include three people in activities planned for two. The story invites the children to identify the problem the boys have and think of loving ways to solve it.
Opening Prayer
1. The children will appreciate that they belong to a loving community.
5 minutes
2. The children will distinguish loving from unloving actions.
Primary-age children are still working to accept responsibility for their actions rather than blaming others. They are still learning to distinguish mistakes and accidents from mean actions. This lesson calls them to loving actions.
1. Gather the children in a semi- circle around you in your class prayer space, where you have displayed the Bible.
3. The children will distinguish actions that bring people together from those that leave people out.
2. Ask the children if they know the song “The More We Get Together.” Sing it through once to remind them of its words. Invite them to join in when they know it. When they sing the words “your friends,” have them indicate someone near them. When they say “my friends,” tell them to point to themselves. Demonstrate these actions.
4. The children will recognize how Jesus asks them to treat others.
5. The children will preview their First Reconciliation preparation.
6. The children will celebrate the “I Can Love” Prayer Ritual.
1. Create a class prayer space. Display a Bible on a piece of brightly-colored material. Open the Bible to the Good Samaritan story, Luke 10:29-37.
The More We Get Together
The more we get together, together, together,
Together in Jesus First Reconciliation is a program for primary-age children who want to join the members of their families and parish in celebrating God’s forgiving love in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
2. If possible, have a simple map of Samaria and Judea available to show the children. Most Bibles have such a map.
The more we get together, the happier we’ll be.
In preparing for their first celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, the children explore how the Commandments and Jesus’ teachings ask them to grow. This preparation begins a lifelong process of turning to Jesus in word and sacrament as a way of growing in love.
3. Have the copies of Lesson 1 ready to distribute.
For your friends are my friends and my friends are your friends. The more we get together,
This first lesson in the Together in Jesus First Reconciliation program aims to help children learn to distinguish loving from unloving
5. Make copies of Prayer Ritual 1, “I Can Love” (page 17), one for each child.
Loving God, be with us as we begin to prepare to celebrate First Reconciliation. Help us to listen to one another and to share. Help us to remember that we are together in Jesus.
4. The children will need a pencil or crayon to use in their work areas. Catechists will need chalk and a chalkboard or markers and newsprint.
the happier we’ll be.
6. Make copies of the “Act of Contrition” (page 47), one for each child.
All: Amen.
3. Pray with your children in words such as:
Chapter 5 Lesson 1

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