Page 2 - First Reconciliation
P. 2
First Reconciliation 1
The Trouble With Three Friends
“My cousin Nick is coming for two weeks,” Damian said to his best friend, Matt.
Damian was using Matt’s road- grader. He pushed it around the huge figure-eight-shaped road he and Matt had made in their sandbox. The sandbox sat in Damian’s backyard between his house and Matt’s. Each friend had built a big castle in one loop of the figure eight.
“When is your cousin coming?” asked Matt. Matt was hauling rocks up to his castle with Damian’s truck.
“Sunday,” said Damian. “And I have to take him along all the time.”
“But next week we have swimming and day camp and puppets at the library,” said Matt.
What is the boys’ problem?
Find the heart-shaped sticker.
Place it here.
On Monday Damian chose his cousin Nick as a buddy at swimming. He stayed in the shallow end of the pool with him.
“Maybe I’ll learn to swim this week,” Nick said to Damian. “I learned to float today.”
Once Matt waved and Damian swam to the deep end to see him. They counted to three, dived in, and raced to the rope in the middle of the pool.
Which actions include Nick? What actions leave Nick out?

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